

by Eliezer Sobel

Psychology Today, October 25, 2012

  My mother lost her words in stages. At one point, she may not   have known the name of that thing that cleans the rug, or the other thing that rings, but she knew to refer to both the vacuum cleaner and the telephone as “the machine,” which made its own kind of sense.   READ MORE


Fear of People

Why I Like to Stay Home in My Pajamas

There’s actually a word for it: anthropophobia. Wiktionary (Wiktionary? Really?) defines it as, “A profound fear of human beings, or of human society.” Wikipedia adds, “An extreme, pathological form of shyness and timidity…it may manifest as… awkwardness and uneasiness when appearing in society. Like most phobias, anthropophobia can be traced back to traumatic experiences.”

                                                                      READ MORE…

A Crash Course in Gratitude, God’s Grace and German Engineering

by  Guest Blogger:  Scott Rockman

Scott Rockman is an old college buddy of mine. We met 42 years ago as freshmen at Northwestern University. Scott is a consultant to non-profits and lives in Scarsdale, New York with his wife Melissa and dog Riley. When I received this email from him a few days ago, I wanted to share it with everyone:

   A bit of advice.

The next time you are cruising down I-95 at 70+ mph and you get run off the road by an unauthorized driver in a rental car with a suspended license be sure to point your vehicle safely towards a cedar tree.  Read More

On Being An Average Person

By Eliezer Sobel on March, 20, 2012 in Psychology Today

The whole team went out for ice cream to celebrate except me. I had nothing to celebrate. Who cared about the team or the championship?I had missed the ball. Read More

When Nobody Else Will Listen

Psychology Today, February 7, 2012, by Eliezer Sobel

Comedian Richard Lewis once began a performance by   saying, “I just came from spending a weekend with my family; I can’t tell you how glad I am to be speaking in front of 20,000 strangers.” I don’t like to whine and complain about my various physical ailments to my friends and family…much.

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I was hoping to trick Huff Post with this headline and get them to put this piece on the main news page…but they saw right through the ruse; it’s in comedy.
My elementary school friends, Melvin Limbaugh and Charley Hannity were always such blowhards. They had an opinion about everything. And they always agreed about everything, which I could never quite understand.





Couples in Conflict

By Eliezer Sobel on January, 12, 2012 in Psychology Today

A friend of mine was speaking to me today about an ancient relationship, and commented, “That was during my food-throwing years.” I asked for further details. “Melons. I specialized in melons.” “Canteloupe?” “Honeydew.” “Are we talking the whole melon, or little melon balls?” “The whole melon; I’d usually crack it over their heads.” Read More

Words of Good Cheer, Mostly

By Eliezer Sobel on December, 10, 2011 in The 99th Monkey

Dear Reader, At this very moment, I am taking up your valuable and precious, limited time within this transitory, earthly existence. You could stop reading right now, Read More


“shootin’ the blues away” was the subject line. The email was from D., a new acquaintance I met at an art opening a few months ago, a 70+ writer guy with Parkinson’s.  His tremors had been calmed considerably by a brain  implant, and I don’t think I would have even noticed anything amiss if he hadn’t told me.


I think this blogsite got screwed up. It tells me I have two subscribers, and one of them is me.  If you are receiving this, can you drop me an email to let me know?  thanks–


Meanwhile, if you DID receive a post earlier today, repeated below, it was missing the proper link to connect, which I’ve now repaired:


Are You A Real Writer?

Writers learn early on that there are actually many people out there, incomprehensible as it may seem, who simply do not enjoy reading our work. (We probably wouldn’t be very close friends with these Neanderthals, if we met them.) We try not to take it personally, but most of us do. Some random, sub-human casually mentions in passing that, in their grossly distorted and useless opinion, our written expressions fall short of Tolstoy’s, and instantly both our writings and our entire lives seem completely worthless to us. Obviously, that gives way too much power to readers. But often true, nonetheless.  CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE